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geplaatst op April 27 2015

Immigrants from India and Australia are 'best fit'

By  editor
Bijgewerkt April 03 2023
UKIP leader Nigel Farage has said that immigrants from India and Australia were preferable to eastern Europeans because culturally they are "more similar to the UK", despite previously pledging not to discriminate on the basis of nationality. In the latest interview with the BBC, Farage was asked if he favoured certain countries. He answered: "I do think, naturally, that people from India and Australia are in some ways more likely to speak English, understand common law and have a connection with this country than some people that come perhaps from countries that haven't fully recovered from being behind the iron curtain." The comment is at odds with Farage's previous claims that UKIP's policy of discrimination was the least discriminatory of all the parties, since it would not give preference to EU migrants. Farage also admitted that the party has sometimes used hyperbolic rhetoric about immigration to "wake people up" and "get noticed". He pledged to stand down as leader if he did not win his own target seat of South Thanet in Kent.



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