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geplaatst op Januari 08 2015

Workopolis publiceert de meest gevraagde banen van 2014 in Canada

By  editor
Bijgewerkt April 03 2023
Als u besluit een nieuw carrièrepad te kiezen of gewoon een baan zoekt, kan dit rapport van pas komen bij het nemen van de uiteindelijke beslissing over welk vakgebied u zou kunnen onderzoeken. Workopolis is bekend met Canada's meest gevraagde banen van 2014 en de nummer één plek zal je misschien verrassen. Cooks stond op de eerste plaats en had het grootste aantal vacatures dat het hele jaar door online werd geadverteerd. Daarna volgden verkoopvertegenwoordigers, babysitters/oppas en vervolgens detailhandelsverkopers/verkoopmedewerkers. De tien meest gevraagde vacatures in online vacatures: Cooks Sales Representatives Babysitters, Nannies and Parents’ Helpers Retail Salespersons and Sales Clerks Truck Drivers Food Counter Attendants, Kitchen Helpers and Related Occupations Marketing and Advertising Managers Sales Managers Hairstylists and Barbers Retail Managers There were other jobs that hand a significant increase in postings over 2013. The need for physicians shot up by 161 per cent, economists had a 151 per cent increase while the demand for personal care workers increased by 144 per cent. Other job titles that had strong growth in 2014 was court clerks, saw mill operators, foundry workers, and farm workers and harvesters. Workopolis was also able to narrow down the most in-demand skills of 2014 based on how often it turned up in job postings compared with how available candidates are on the market that have those abilities. Ranked as number one was Bilingual followed by Quality Assurance, Structured Query Language and Technical Support. There were some former in-demand jobs that had a reduction in openings over the past 12 months including recreation, sports and fitness program and service directors (-17 per cent), underground mine service and support workers (-14 per cent), and electrical mechanics (-9 per cent).



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