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geplaatst op Oktober 08 2018

Y-Axis Tutor has been thanked by Roshan Nair

By  editor
Bijgewerkt April 26 2023

Hallo mevrouw,

Sorry for the delayed reply. I was waiting for the hard copy of the score. I was being presumptuous about my skills in writing & speaking resulting in this disaster. Nonetheless, I wasn’t being that good with listening and reading too. Ma'am, you did an excellent job with coaching but I wasn’t too good a performer. I am planning to reappear by November 1st and will update you with better results. In the meantime, please let me know if I can submit my writing practice test papers to you for evaluation.

Listening:  8.0

Lezen: 7.0

Schrijven: 6.5

Sprekend: 6.5

Algemene bandscore: 7.0

Met vriendelijke groet, Roshan G. Nair

Beoordeling door:
Roshan G. Nair

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