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geplaatst op Juni 08 2015

Schotland: binnenkort een werkvisum na studie voor Indiase studenten

By  editor
Bijgewerkt April 02 2024

After recording a dip in Indian students choosing UK for higher education year after year, Scotland is considering to bring back post-study work visa program for Indian students. Some 3 years ago, in April 2012, UK government ended the Post-Study work visa, also known as Tier-1 visa, that allowed students to work for 2 years after completion of their education in the UK. Indian students contribute millions of pounds to UK's economy each year. But owning to abolition of Tier-1 visa, UK has recorded a fall of almost 50% in Indian students as most opted for Australia, Canada, US and other countries instead of the UK. Knowing these facts well, The Scottish National Party (SNP) is set to raise the issue with UK government to revive the policy and to strengthen the economy, thus allowing the brightest to come, study and work there. Scotland's international development minister Humza Yousaf told The Times of India, "Scotland needs immigration.


It needs bright students from India to come and study in its 19 world class universities and then stay back and work to help develop its economy." Due to the increasing elderly population in Scotland, the country is facing a shortage of skilled workers, which could be filled by the young and aspiring students from India. The requirements for workers are in diverse industries and fields including demand in Healthcare and Engineering, but there isn't much work force to take over the positions.


Het standpunt van Groot-Brittannië over deze kwestie

De regering van het Verenigd Koninkrijk heroverweegt ook haar besluit over een Tier 1 Post-study werkvisum en zou ook maatregelen kunnen nemen om dit opnieuw in te voeren. Het beleid zal ervoor zorgen dat de negatieve elementen die in de eerste plaats tot afschaffing hebben geleid, worden verwijderd. Dat meldt de TOI House of Commons Committee Keith Vaz saying, "Yes, we absolutely should review this policy. When looking at this situation, the Home Affairs Select Committee recommended a review of post study work visas to alleviate the clearly negative elements of the current policy ." If the post-work study visa policy is re-introduced, there is high possibility that student flow from India would increase. Students would see a brighter future as they could return home not just with a degree in hand but some international work experience as well.


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