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geplaatst op Februari 22 2019

Oeganda waarschuwt voor de Visa Scam

By  editor
Bijgewerkt April 01 2024

Het Directoraat voor Burgerschap en Immigratie in Oeganda heeft immigranten gewaarschuwd voor de Visa-zwendel. Dat heeft het gezegd oplichters gebruiken nepwebsites en brengen exorbitante kosten in rekening voor E-Visa. Dit is na verschillende klachten van immigranten die beweren dat er zeer hoge visumkosten aan hen in rekening zijn gebracht.


More than 200 immigrants have filed complaints with the Afdeling Immigratie as per the available statistics. This is after they realised that they had paid 2 to 3 times more than the Visa cost


Maselino Bwesigye Citizenship and Immigration Control Acting Director addressed the media at Kampala. He said that applicants must refer only to the official E-Visa application portal of the Government of Uganda. This offers details of diverse Uganda Visas and costs, he added.


Increasing Visa fees is unlawful said Maselino Bwesigye, as quoted by the Journal du Cameroun.  The scammers caught in Visa scam will face prosecution after they are caught, he said.


Immigrants who intend to arrive at Uganda must do so only for legal purposes. This must also be as per the formalities, guidelines and immigration laws of Uganda. Overseas immigrants who intend to arrive at Uganda for work must abide by the requirements for immigrants to be employed in the nation.


•    All nationalities subject to Visa must get the Uganda Visas for facilitating their arrival to the nation

•    Uganda Visas can be received at overseas Uganda missions or after arriving at the entry ports in the nation

•    All individuals arriving at the Republic of Uganda are mandatorily required to possess a valid card for Yellow Fever Immunisation

Y-Axis biedt een breed scala aan visum- en immigratiediensten, evenals producten voor aspirant-overzeese immigranten, waaronder Y-Internationaal CV 0-5 jaarY-internationaal CV (Senior niveau) 5+ jaar, Y-banen, Y-pad, marketingservices hervatten Eén staat en Een land.


Als u wilt studeren, werken, bezoeken, investeren of trekken to Uganda, talk to Y-Axis, the World’s No.1 Immigration & Visa Company.

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